

If you are looking for a specific shotacon/lolicon/hentai/etc manga, 3D, video, images, etc, you can make request here (under this post). Just give us some information about it: title, description, etc and we’ll try to find and post it here, on PremiumHentai!
Also, you can make unspecific request. For example: “I want furry shota” or “3D video with schoolgirls”.

We always read all comments you wrote and happy to help you.


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    • max on August 15, 2016 at 10:21 pm
    • Reply

    I would love to see more man/boy dad/son stories and vids !

    1. Hi, got your request. More boy-man related art coming soon, stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

        • Ticklemaster on May 14, 2018 at 5:47 am
        • Reply

        and please make sure the boy is TIED UP TIGHT! πŸ™‚

        PS How do I send you .jpgs for 3D images to post for everyone here? Please give me an email address.

          • dante daskar on June 19, 2018 at 6:59 pm
          • Reply

          [email protected]

    • on August 16, 2016 at 1:21 am
    • Reply

    still waiting for some facesitting fun

    1. Hi, try to post facesitting stuff soon.

        • on November 1, 2016 at 12:15 am
        • Reply

        looking forward to seeing but when

    • Moge on August 27, 2016 at 11:54 am
    • Reply

    Oh, can you make anime characters age regressed by having a sex from adult to baby?

    1. Hi, we’ll take a look, stay tuned and enjoy the site!

        • Moge on August 28, 2016 at 3:58 am
        • Reply

        So, can your site make something like this?

    • AllThumbs on August 29, 2016 at 9:47 pm
    • Reply

    Would love to see some thumbsuckers, any gender is oke for me. Would take a subscription if you do!

    1. Hi! It’s nice feature for the next exclusive 3D video, but it will take about 1 month to release. Stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

        • AllThumbs on August 30, 2016 at 9:23 pm
        • Reply


    • Suemom on September 3, 2016 at 4:22 pm
    • Reply

    More extreme torture and rape of girls 0 to 6…real skinny girls…thanks!

      • Jim on July 15, 2018 at 2:59 pm
      • Reply

      Yeahhh! I’m with you Suemom! 0-2 is best.

      • sukit on December 21, 2018 at 2:27 pm
      • Reply

      not into rape but love anything baby, love those little tiny cunts

    • Op12tuy on September 4, 2016 at 11:17 pm
    • Reply

    More realstic male toddler and more realistic boys 4-10 please. Want as real as possible. Any ideas on male furry cub realistic? Please. Also need very yummy of tails from sonic. Would pay big $ for real good stuff of all. Got $300 and really need stuff. Been looking hard. No luck. Please help.

    • mitchel on October 3, 2016 at 3:08 pm
    • Reply

    more diaper kids girls smoking cigerets

    1. Hi, got your request, stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

    • lonnie l link on October 6, 2016 at 6:53 pm
    • Reply

    noticed there was only one or two solo boy animations. could somebody make more like the one boy with his teddy bear or with his brother where they do it mutually would love to see more little boys jacking off similar to those wonder if that’s even in the realm of possibility or are there links to where i ould find more like that,


    • lonnie l link on October 6, 2016 at 6:57 pm
    • Reply

    would also like to see more boy on boy action animations. There are a lot of man on boy but not that many with boys

    1. Hi, got your request, more 3D animations with solo boy and boy-boy action coming soon, stay tuned!

    • Daniel on October 12, 2016 at 12:19 pm
    • Reply

    Any chance to see full sets of this author (AlexDigital Art)?

    1. Hi! That’s all AlexDigital what we have is in this set. Best regards.

        • Daniel on October 22, 2016 at 7:25 am
        • Reply

        Do you know where I can found his work?

    • bran on October 16, 2016 at 1:02 pm
    • Reply

    could you do the followup to the Lovey Buddies as its one of my favorites and I’ve never gotten into a story that much thank you πŸ™‚

      • bran on October 16, 2016 at 1:03 pm
      • Reply

      shield plugin having a moment lol

    1. Hi, SunnyD is workin on another comix for now, you can enjoy all his works here
      Best regards!

    • Moogs on October 16, 2016 at 11:27 pm
    • Reply

    Howdy! Quick question, did Sonofka ever finish the Horney Peeking Sister series or what that completed? Seems like there should be part six…

    Love the site, keep it up.

    1. Hi! Sonofka not finished the HPS, work in progress, stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

    • Cookie on October 17, 2016 at 1:24 am
    • Reply

    So I am looking for a 3d Comic about a Yaoi Guy and his little teen boyfriend (shotacon). The Older guy asks the teen boyfriend to go see a doctor to have his penis Tucked up inside his body so that it looks like he has a vagina. In the comic the doctor explains the procedure and says that the boy will still have his penis but it will be on the inside of his body and not on the outside. The boy gets the procedure and then goes back to the beach to show it off to his friends. When they are walking on the beach the boy is wearing a girls bikini bottom or a guys speedo and it is going right thru his cameltoe. His friends like this idea and they convince each other that the boys friends which are also a Yaoi older guy and his teen (shotacon) boyfriend to have the same surgery. Then in a later scene it shows all 4 guys standing on the beach posing and the 2 boys posing on the beach with palm trees in the background wearing their tight speedos swimsuits or the bottom part of a girls bikini.
    I think the original 3d comic was on a site called Shotacon 3D but its no longer around.
    Do you think you could help me find the name of this 3d comic or the artist which made it or at least send me a link to the comic?
    Any help you can give me would be great.

    1. Hi! Very unusual plot for 3D comic but I think I know who’s the artist (BoyGame) and I’ll try to find and post this work here. Stay tuned and enjoy the site!

    • Daniel on October 22, 2016 at 7:24 am
    • Reply


    There are a lot of magnificent samples in the America Boy’s Paradise series. Is there a way to find the whole sets and not just messed samples? For example of artists like RounN, ChronArch?
    There is also series about Tom and Twins (Eric and Luc) Where can those be found?


    1. Hi! ABP is the mix of works by various artists. There is no whole sets, they made only few pictures. You can find others works by RounN here at Premium Hentai, more ChronArch will be posted in the upcoming ABP volumes.
      Best regards.

    • Dhr on October 25, 2016 at 5:00 am
    • Reply

    Please do a lot more 3D side by side; also if you don’t mind me asking, what software was used to make these 3D side by side images?

    Can 2D images be converted into real 3D side by side images?

    Pierre Lolicon 3D Pack. Only 3 images in – No-name. Author: Pierre

    • Smashy on November 9, 2016 at 2:39 pm
    • Reply


    Could you do more one with tights please?


    • lucemon on November 19, 2016 at 8:59 pm
    • Reply

    more movies the boys in underwear kids in underwars plx

    1. Hi! More shota 3D videos with boys in underwear coming soon, stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

    • Anonlb on December 2, 2016 at 9:53 am
    • Reply

    Hi again. I never find video sorry for that. πŸ™ But I ask if could make similar video 3D picture? I would try but have no time sorry for that. πŸ™ I have free great ideas to put for if interested. Maybe if not insect but tentacle same fetish kink? Both good. Tentacle rape shotacon, insect rape shotacon, eggs inside privates. Both good rape. If are interested ask me about idea! Choose one or both! πŸ™‚

    • Suemom on December 6, 2016 at 2:33 pm
    • Reply

    Hi…love the site….more very little girls and more extreme pain please! Ty!!

    1. Hi, Suemom! Got your request, stay tuned and enjoy the site!

    • Dp on December 8, 2016 at 11:13 pm
    • Reply

    Hi…. I would love to see more little girls using their feet plz.

    1. Hi! As you wish πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!

    • KazeKhan on December 20, 2016 at 1:09 pm
    • Reply

    can anyone find the rest of a story in the Straight Shotacon Incest 3D Pack 2 the title says The First Slave of Caius

    1. Hi, we’ll take a look.

    • Anonlb on December 22, 2016 at 11:46 am
    • Reply

    I would like see more tentacles on shotacon 3D please, thank you. πŸ™‚

    1. Hi, got your request, stay tuned and enjoy the site!

    • baddad1731 on December 26, 2016 at 6:20 am
    • Reply

    Looking for 3D pedo mom and son with marriage and pregnancy

    1. I’m sure you’ll love Redeemer’s works
      Best regards.

  1. Hi, the artist will fix his DL link soon!

  2. hello, i hope MMS πŸ™‚ will make more family shota! specially mom,dad,son threesomes!
    never see any for long ,

    • jai on January 21, 2017 at 6:31 am
    • Reply

    make some more clementine ones from the walking dead

    1. Hi, got your request, stay tuned!

    • MBELT on January 25, 2017 at 4:24 pm
    • Reply

    I would like to request some Sofia the first and elana of avalor stuff…

    • Broken Key on January 30, 2017 at 10:38 am
    • Reply

    More fogbank?

    1. Hi, no more Fogbank art at the moment, stay tuned!

    • Jai on February 2, 2017 at 7:30 am
    • Reply

    What about young YouTubers Like Johnny Orlando as a kid

  3. Hello! Everything is ok. Try again plz.

    • Anonlb on February 12, 2017 at 7:00 am
    • Reply

    Hi again. I try posting other site but it not work. Please will like to see more tentacle rape boys. Please add urethra fetish too thank you much. πŸ™‚

    1. Hi! Tentacles + boys is such a rare thing, we’ll try to make something, stay tuned and enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

        • Anonlb on February 13, 2017 at 9:53 am
        • Reply

        Sad is true. πŸ™ I wish find more out there… So hard can find more sorry. πŸ™

    • Jai on February 16, 2017 at 6:10 am
    • Reply

    Could you make some like based on kid YouTubers like Johnny Orlando as a kid

    • Joeys on February 23, 2017 at 12:28 pm
    • Reply

    Is it going to take much longer to reupload my request? I tried replying to your comment but that’s not working πŸ˜›

    • Darq on March 12, 2017 at 9:14 am
    • Reply

    Hey, please make BOY MASTER with ADULT SLAVE about footjob or foot fetish. pleaseeee

    1. Hi, interesting setting, we will try to make such stuff, stay tuned and enjoy the site!

        • Darq on March 28, 2017 at 1:59 am
        • Reply

        Thank u so much! Im still waiting

    • ed rozema on March 18, 2017 at 12:05 pm
    • Reply

    I would love to see more of days of our lives Please help me out. I’m new to this I am also paranoid.

    1. Hi! Welcome to the site! Unfortunately Days Of Our Lives is still unfinished yet and the last chapter still incomplete, all available episodes are available here at PremiumHentai.
      Best regards.

    • Lawrence Cohen on March 21, 2017 at 1:32 am
    • Reply

    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “0”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “!!!” in “comment_content” *]
    Please do some 3D of tickle torture of the following:

    Young Wulf struggled as the sheriff’s men dragged him through the corridors. As he struggled with his captors, his long brown hair flew into his eyes. A mean guard kicked his feet out from under him, and the boy went flying forward. “Can’t even walk right, you little traitor?” “You’re the traitor!” Wulf cried back bravely. “Richard is King!” The guard flashed a toothy grin full of twisted teeth. “Not for much longer,” he hissed. Wulf felt the guard’s stinking breath on his face, and a rough hand pull him up. “Now, up with you!” The hulking figure easily lifted the small boy from the stone floor, gave him another blow to make him silent, and dragged him toward his doom. ********* “Leave him alone! He’s just a boy!” the old man shouted, screaming from his place on the wall. “Shut up old man! You’re next!” the guard shouted, and continued with the ropes and pulleys. Wulf was roped up in the strapedo, a nasty device designed to dislocate the shoulders. His ankles were tied together and to a heavy iron ball on the floor. His hands were secured behind his back, and to a long rope. The rope ran up to a pulley in the ceiling, then down to a wench. When the wench was cranked, Wulf’s arms would be pulled up behind him, over his head backward. The ball would be dropped into a hole in the floor, pulling his body down with the force of gravity. It was an excruciating device, one used to force suspected witches of confessing to collusion with Satan. But Wulf was no witch, just a young boy who happened to know where Robin might be. “Where is Robin Hood?” Wulf took a shaking breath into his chest, fully aware that he might not be able to breathe very soon. “Go to hell,” he said bravely, but softly. The guard smiled. “No, my dear boy. It is you who are in hell! String him up!” “STOP!” The guards all turned. Maid Marion had come running down the steps, saving Wulf just in time. “Lady Marion, this is one of the traitors!” “He’s just a boy! You can’t do this to him!” The guard sighed. “My lady, we have to do SOMETHING to make him talk!” “Fine, just make sure it’s nothing painful!” The guard looked thoughtful. “Nothing painful…nothing painful…all right, I have something in mind. Take him down!” ********* Wulf was taken outside to the inner ward, not too far from the torture chamber. From outside, he could hear the sound of hysterical laughter, children’s laughter. He wondered if there was a puppet show. Once outside, it was obvious that a puppet show was furthest from the torturer’s mind. There were five sets of stocks, with holes for securing the feet, hands, and head at the same time. Locked in the stocks were several children, mostly page boys. One, however, was Larry, the boy who was captured along with Wulf. Larry had been taken with his sisters to the sheriff himself. Guards were feather tickling their feet, with mean expressions. The boys all looked desperate, their faces pink with laughter and lack of breath. “HAHAHAHAHA! SSSSSTOP! PLEEEZ!” Larry pleaded as the feather stroked his super sensitive soles. The ten year old looked desperate as the feather went through his wriggling toes. “Tell us where Robin Hood is!” “HHAHAHAHA I DON’T KNOW! PLEASE!” A blond boy, right next to Larry, was wearing the clothing of a page. “OHPLEZ! I’LL BE GOOD! HEHEHAHAHAHA! I PROMISSSSSHAHAHAHA!” “Promises, promises! You’ll stay in the stocks until you learn to obey your elders, Cody!” “Enough with Cody! We’ve got a more important nut to crack!” “Aye,” the torturer said, a gleam in his eye when he saw Wulf. “I’ve been dying to get this one! I thought he was slated for the rack.” “Strapedo,” the guard corrected, as they freed Cody’s hands and feet from the stocks, and forced Wulf into it. “But Lady Marion objected to us hurting a little child. So….” The torturer smiled evilly at Wulf. “Don’t worry, Sam. I’ll make him talk!” Wulf stared at him as his shoes were removed. “Ah, soft and sweaty, nice and tender….” the man mused, and ran his finger across Wulf’s naked sole to test. The boy fought the urge to laugh, but soon the probing finger forced a giggle from him. His father tickled him often, and his feet were his most ticklish spot! “Good! You’re a ticklish one, ain’t ya?” the man said, using his fingers on both feet now. That brought a guffaw from the boy, and he started to squirm. Usually, Wulf could get out of manacles designed for grown adults, but not this time! The stocks were child sized, so his wrists and ankles were firmly secured. All he could do was wriggle his feet a little. “I won’t talk! Ha hahaha!” The man looked up from his work with a vicious gleam in his eye. “Oh, you WILL, boy! It may feel good now, but even pleasure can be torture if prolonged. No lad can stand to have his feet tickled for hours! You’ll promise anything just to make it stop! Before long you’ll be telling me everything, including the location of your birthmarks!” So saying, he rose, went to a worktable, and took a bottle of something. He opened the bottle, and poured a yellowish powder onto Larry’s feet. The ten year old looked up. “Hey!” He yelled, wriggling his feet. “That itches!” “Of course, my boy,” the man said, pouring some onto Larry’s back and face too. “It’s itching powder! Makes you more susceptible to the feather! Now, we’ll just let the powder work on you a while!” “We might as well get to know each other boys,” the man mused. “My name is Fischer. What’s yours?” “I’m not telling,” Larry protested, desperately seeking a way to somehow scratch, but it was hopeless! The man selected two feathers, and Wulf resigned himself to his fate. Another man came up and took a pair of feathers from the table, began to tickle one of the pages to Wulf’s right, a blond 11 year old. “Now, William. Are you ready to confess?” “Russ, it wasn’t me! I swear!” “Oh, who else would put frogs in my bed?” “Oh, please Russ! I’ve been in the stocks all morning! I have to use the privy!” “I’ll just bet you do! I’ll make a deal with you, William. Wet your pants, and maybe I’ll let you out!” So saying, Russ started stroking the feather across William’s soles, and the boy started laughing. “No! Please! Stop!” Something touched Wulf’s left foot, and his attention was brought back to his own predicament. Fischer was quickly dabbing the tip of a feather all across the exposed bottom of his foot! “Heh heh heh heh!” Wulf giggled, instinctively trying to jerk his foot back. “No! Please!” “What’s your name, boy?” The tickling continued. Now the feather was in full contact with his skin, running a line up and down. “Hahahahahaha! Oh plez!” “Your name is O-please? I don’t think so!” the man said, and applied both feathers, one to each foot. “Hhahahahahahaa! Sssstop! I’m ticklish!” “Oh, now your name is Ticklish? Appropriate, but I don’t think so!” Oh, how Wulf squirmed! He was starting to get short of breath! “Wulffff ahahahahaha! My…HAHAHAHAA N–name..HAHAHAHA ISSSSHAHAHAH…WULFFFFFffffhahHAHAHAHA!” “Nice to meet you, young Wulf! My job here is to make sure the youngsters behave themselves! I don’t believe in any harsh punishments. This does the job quiet effectively, don’t you think?” “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEEEEZ!!!!” “Oh, I’m pleasing you? How nice of you to say so! We’re going to be together for quite a long time! Just you, me, and my feathers!” ********* The tickle torture seemed to stretch on forever. His chest hurt from lack of air, and tears filled his eyes. Wulf was dimly aware of the suffering of the boys to the left and right of him. He knew that William had wet his pants some time ago, and he could hear the sound of something flowing to the left, meaning Larry had done the same. Wulf hadn’t had the chance to go behind a tree before the attack which wiped out his village, and now his bladder was demanding urgency. The twelve year old desperately tried to hold it, knowing he couldn’t do it forever, especially under extreme duress! Finally, the tickling stopped. Wulf’s laughter died down to giggles, then stopped altogether. Fischer was giving him a rest, as he had Larry earlier. Tickling, if kept up too long, lost its effectiveness. The monster used itching powder in the rest time inbetween, and he saw Russ force William and Larry to swallow a whole bucket of water earlier. All that water, he knew, was now working on them, as the itching powder was! “How long…how long will they do this to us?” Larry asked William. “Depends on the offense. Usually it’s just for an hour or two. One time, though, Todd stole some gold coins from the treasury, so we could go to the carnerval. Fischer kept us locked in the stocks for two days!” “Two days?” Larry asked with horror on his face. His blue eyes were wide with fear, shining under his dark hair. “I can’t take it much longer! I have to go pee again!” “Don’t say things like that!” Wulf chided. “You’ll only make it worse.” “You’re not sitting there in wet pants!” Larry protested. “I know, I can’t hold it much longer either.” Wulf heard the soft BAA! BAA! sound, and looked up. William gasped softly beside him. “Oh, no!” William cried. “Not the goats! Anything but that!” Wulf couldn’t see what goats had to do with tickling, and asked, “What?” “Haven’t you ever had your feet licked before?” Wulf’s brown eyes went wide as saucers. “Oh, no! They wouldn’t!” “Now then, boys! We’re a little tired of your silence!” Fischer told them, going to the table. He got out a bucket and paintbrush. It was coated with a white film. He brushed the film thickly onto the bottoms of Larry’s bare feet, let it dry, and applied another coat. “Please, sir! My bladder is gonna bust!” Larry pleaded in a high pitched voice. “Let me use the privy first! I’m begging you!” “All the better to tickle you, my dear boy!” Fischer told him, and did the same thing to Wulf’s feet, then William’s. “There, the salt is nice and thick. My little pets will be licking this treat from your tender tootsies for an hour or more!” “No! Please!” William cried. “Have mercy, Fischer! I’ve been in here all day!” “All day? For putting that frog in Russ’ bed, you’ll be here all week!” “NO!” William cried, tears in his eyes. The boys watched in horror as the goats were brought closer. Fischer tied the leashes to the stocks, two goats for each boy, one goat for each naked foot. Bleating, the goats moved forward to lap at the treat. Wulf tried to fight back the laughter, but it was the most ticklish thing he’d ever felt in his young life! The soft, quivering tongue oscillated across the most tender area of his body, lapping again and again, titillating him without mercy! “HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!” Wulf vainly told the goats. “Please! No!” William cried. “No! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Not my feet again! Oh pleeez! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Tell me where Robin Hood is,” Fischer repeated the question he had asked the boys so many times before. “AHAHAHAHAHA! OHPLEZ!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!” “I CAN’T STAND IT!!!! HAAHAHAHA!” “I HAFTA PEE!!! HAHAHAHA OHPLEZZZZ! HAHAHAHA! I HAFTA PEE SO BAD!!!” “Tell me where Robin Hood is!” “HAHAHAHA! I WON’T TELL YOU! HAHAHAHAHA! NOT EVEN IF YOU TICKLE ME FOREVER! HAHAHAHAHA!” “Oh, you WILL talk, BOY!” Fischer told him firmly. “NO boy can’t stand to have his feet licked! See how hysterical you are now? Soon your chest will hurt from lack of air, and your bladder will burst all over your nice dry pants! You’ll wet yourself in public, you want that?” “HAHAHAHA! OHPLEZ! SSSTOP!” Larry begged. His face was all red, tears welling in his eyes. His hands and feet squirmed as much as the wood prison would allow, the boy trying desperately to kick his feet away. But he was trapped! There was no escape from the endless tickling, no hope of holding his urine much longer! “Tell me where Robin Hood is!” “I’LL TELL YOU! AHAHAHAHA! I’LL TELL YOU ANYTHING! AHAHAHA!” William pleaded. “You don’t know nothing, boy! Just sit there and suffer!” Wulf didn’t know how much longer he could hold it. The urine was demanding constant attention now, he was desperate to relieve himself. It felt like his bladder had swelled to twice it’s normal size! “MERCY!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I HAFTA PEE! HAHAHAHAHA!” “Wet yourself!” Fischer said cruelly. “Wet your pants, and MAYBE I’ll let the tickling end for a while!” “AHAHAHA! I…CAN’T…STAND…IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Little Larry screamed, and Wulf could hear the distinctive sound of liquid flowing. “Your chest is so tight. You can’t breathe,” Fischer said to Wulf. “And your bladder is so full! Just aching to come out! You can’t last much longer, can you boy?” “HAHAHA! YOU VILLAIN! AHAHAHAHA!” “Tell me what I want to know,” Fischer said. Suddenly, he ripped a little of Wulf’s shirt, and the boy felt a feather probing his armpit! Fischer had added new tickling agony! Wulf suddenly realized that Fischer didn’t really WANT to know, the tickling was going to go on forever! “NEVERRRRRHAHAHAHA!” Wulf suddenly felt his pants getting wet, and realized he had finally lost control of his bladder! It flowed in a never ending rush, thoroughly soaking him, showing the large stain and smelling for all to know! The poor boy had just committed the ultimate embarrassment in public! “ALLRIGHTALLRIGHT! HAHAHAHA! I’LL TALK! I’LL TALK!!!” Larry pleaded. “LARRY! NO!!! HAHAHAHA! BE STRONG! HAHAHAHA!” “Tell me what I want to know, boy!” “HAHAHA–I–CAN’T–BREATHE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!” “You can talk! Where is Robin Hood!” “D–DEAD! HAHAHAHA! I SAW HIM–SAW HIM–HAHAHAHA–FALL INTO A FIRE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” “TRAITOR! HAHAHAHAHA!” Wulf cried. “I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS, LARRY! HAHAHAHAHA! I’LL TICKLE YOU WORSE THAN THIS! AHAHAHAHAHA!” “I think you’re lying, both of you!” Fischer told them sternly. “I’m going to have lunch now. The salt should last for another hour. Never fear, I’ll be back to apply another coat of salt when this one is licked off!” Fischer turned on one heel and marched off, leaving the helpless laughter of the boys in his wake. “NO PLEZ! HAHAHAHAHA!” William pleaded. “DON’T LEAVE US LIKE THIS!!! AHAHAHAA!!!!” “HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP!! AHAHAHAHA!” Wulf cried desperately. THE END?

    • Lawrence Cohen on March 21, 2017 at 1:34 am
    • Reply

    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “0”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “!!!” in “comment_content” *]
    I really posted the above. Please do the above in 3D!!!!! I want to see 12 year old Wulf locked in the stocks tickled like crazy till he pisses all over!

    • scrumpy on March 22, 2017 at 1:57 am
    • Reply

    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “0”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “site!” in “comment_content” *]
    1. The Photo shoot TWO, by beatingoffbob, will be out when? Been a year since original…
    the best, and most realistic set probably ever. The girl was seen in a couple of shots in a
    beatingoffbob mix, so he must have done at least a sequel.
    2. Could you get a Jonbenet Ramsey look-alike in a sexy Child Pageant scene please guys?

    Thanks for the great site!

    • geraed on April 7, 2017 at 1:26 am
    • Reply

    More Villa Philmonte Please with boy being edged please. thanks

    • Anonlb on April 11, 2017 at 4:27 am
    • Reply

    Hi again. πŸ™‚ I find good 3D tentacle urethra rape boy on dlsite. Do you want me post link? I sorry. Not free but here is it. Maybe use idea to make own for here site? I would love see tentacle urethra rape shota here. Thank you. πŸ™‚

    1. Hi, sure you can! And we’ll try to post it here. Sounds really good and original πŸ˜‰

        • Anonlb on April 13, 2017 at 5:00 am
        • Reply

        Hi again. πŸ™‚ Thank to for letting link be here. Here is link.

        I sorry for not be free, but here is it. It has good tentacle rape boy urethra fetish too. Please to also make something like as is here too. Thank you. πŸ™‚

        1. Looks interesting, but as almost all Japanese works it’s hard censored. We can try to make something like this work, but it can make some time.
          Best regards.

  4. any sketched or pen & ink drawings of girls or boys please?

    1. there’s an “oy” in my name, sorry, just looking for sketch art

    • Anonlb on May 31, 2017 at 5:17 am
    • Reply

    Hi again! This like lot!

    Please to this more! Next pee hole bladder blame as to nurse procedure please! Fetish very good! πŸ™‚ Thank you much!

    1. Hi, glad you enjoyed it! Ok, we’ll try to make and post such stuff, enjoy the site! πŸ˜‰

    • Funnyman on June 6, 2017 at 7:31 am
    • Reply

    Isn’t there any fat boy fucking any

    1. Hi! Here you go

    • Funnyman on June 6, 2017 at 7:33 am
    • Reply

    I want Fat boy shotaon

      • Funnyman on June 6, 2017 at 7:34 am
      • Reply

      I want fat kid shotaon

    • Jai on June 11, 2017 at 10:33 pm
    • Reply

    Can you do more of this artist

    • geraed on June 14, 2017 at 11:43 pm
    • Reply

    i would like to see boys being edged and begging to cum and edged until they cum without premission

    1. Hi! You may like these works by Gnitset
      Also, we’ll try to post more similar works soon. Enjoy the site!

    • Mahat Brahma on June 19, 2017 at 10:03 am
    • Reply

    I wanted a fat kid shotacon images please make it

    1. Hi! You may like this and this πŸ˜‰

    • Jai on June 22, 2017 at 7:55 pm
    • Reply

    Can u do more of struggles and adversity plz

    1. Hi! Author was created three parts of this saga at the moment. The third part was last volume. But maybe author will continue this story! πŸ™‚

    • hi1992 on June 30, 2017 at 6:02 am
    • Reply

    Could you a 3d shotacon with a young boy and his bbw mother? It would be great if there was some asslicking/facesitting. That would be awesome. Or, a 3d lolicon with a young girl and a fat man. That would be nice as well. Any chance either of those could be made?

    1. Hi, we’ll take a look.

    • jai on July 2, 2017 at 7:15 pm
    • Reply

    can you do some more story archives like the archive struggles and adversity plz

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